ABK Research will search all over Texas for the Court Records that you require.


We offer searches for all of Texas

254 counties… 28 million people… 1 click… 1 phone call… Call 512-300-8697. We search court records, background checks, criminal search, civil search, bankruptcy search and more.

We search at Courthouses in person

We send our team members directly to the courthouses, and NEVER use off-site databases. You are getting the most accurate, reliable and up-to-date information available.


Pre-Employment Background Checks

We offer comprehensive background checks for employees. The U.S. Department of Labor reports the cost of the wrong hire can add up to 30 percent of the person’s first year earnings.


Your personal information is safe with us

We accept assignments only by fax. This continues to be the best way to ensure that your candidates’ information is never compromised. We will keep all of your information secure.